The Mystery of Kodinhi: India’s Enigmatic Village of Twins
The Mystery of Kodinhi: India’s Enigmatic Village of Twins Nestled in the tranquil landscapes of Kerala, the picturesque village of Kodinhi holds a fascinating secret that has puzzled scientists, doctors, and locals for decades. Known as the "Twin Village of India," Kodinhi boasts an unusually high number of twin births—six times the global average. While the world average for twin births is around 9 per 1,000 births, Kodinhi records over 45 twins per 1,000 births, making it one of the highest twin birth rates in the world. This unexplained phenomenon has turned the village into a subject of intrigue, speculation, and study. A Glimpse into Kodinhi’s Twin Phenomenon Kodinhi, a village with a population of about 2,000 families, lies in the Malappuram district of Kerala. The first documented reports of the village’s peculiar twin birth rate surfaced in the early 2000s, but the phenomenon had been known to locals for generations. Today, Kodinhi is home to over 450 pairs of twins,...